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The Mind

In a very real way we are what we think, therefore our growth is very much tied to our minds. When we have a fuller understanding of what our minds are and how they work, what thoughts are and how they are manifested and interrelate as well as their relationship to our emotions we can be more direct in resolving our challenges. This approach can yield better results more quickly. 

 Who Pulled The Plug? Part 1 


I have written extensively about our minds and expanding our awareness to help people access more of their power and potential. This is non-trivial as it this takes time, effort and a greater awareness of power and what this means to us. There is a lot to learn and many areas where we need to grow. The big lessons take lifetimes and are very difficult to work on directly. These lessons are core things and their affect radiates and affecting many of our thoughts and beliefs and so forth.

To learn any of the "big" lesson (or potentially THE big lesson if there is such a thing) we must work on many smaller ones. Some of them seem insignificant and are often overlooked; however, any one of them can make a huge difference in many aspects of our lives. The lesson of power and of course personal power is a prime example of this. In this essay we are going to look at some of the lessons of power we can work on every day to develop our access to our own inherent power.

Read more: Who Pulled The Plug? Part 1

 Who Pulled The Plug?


I have written extensively about our minds and expanding our awareness to help people can access more of their power and potential. This is non-trivial as it this takes time and effort and a greater awareness of power and what this means to us. There is a lot to learn and many areas where we need to grow. The big lessons take lifetimes and are very difficult to work on directly. These lessons are core things and their affect radiates and affecting many of our thoughts and beliefs and so forth. To learn any of the "big" lesson (or potentially THE big lesson if there is such a thing) we must work on many smaller ones. Some of them seem insignificant and are often overlooked; however, any one of them can make a huge difference in many aspects of our lives. The lesson of power and of course personal power is a prime example of this. In this essay we are going to look at some of the lessons of power we can work on every day to develop our access to our own inherent power.

Read more: Who Pulled The Plug? Part 2 FULL

Our Journey Home


"It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense." ~ Mark Twain


Our lives, which seem like everything to us, are simply part of a long journey of awakening. I mean this figuratively for there is nothing simple about it and in a very real way it is not our awakening I am referring to, though that can happen too. The awakening I am referring to is the the awakening of that which has many names. I refer to "It" as my "true self", though even this label is utterly insufficient.

When I say this I do not mean who I am at this moment, the person sitting typing these words in on the computer is something distinct from "It." I am not something that lives separate from or merely as a proxy for the true self, something that is discarded or perhaps assimilated when I die. The true self exists in every "molecule" of our bodies and every vibration within our energy field and like everything else. "It" is not static. We change with every experience and "It" does as well though the "I" affects the "It" is more aptly likened to how blowing on a hot coffee of cup gradually cools it. Each breathe being synonymous with a life we live.

Read more: Our Journey Home

The Dominance of Mind


My mind is the only barrier between me and thee...


The human experience is certainly an interesting one and one of the "things" that makes it so interesting is our minds and the effect of the thoughts we have on our lives. Life starts off innocently enough for when we are born we simply "are". We lack any particular concerns or goals, even though our consciousness is awash in the sensations of being alive, because these are aspects of our minds and at the start of our lives our minds are quite rudimentary. We perceive on many levels, even as children; however, it is not long before the physical elements of our experiences become intoxicating. I use the term intoxicating in the sense that we become almost completely immersed in the barrage of sensations our physical experiences provides. Our consciousness reacts to this barrage and as it does our rudimentary mind develops with an external focus.

Read more: The Dominance of Mind

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Our Mental House Part 6: Our Relations With Others


The purpose behind the Our Mental House series has been to explain more about our nature of our mind, its dynamics and subsequent influence on us. I have done this by examining the one factor that affects us the most, our thoughts. It is our minds that provide our interface to ‘reality’ and becomes what we identify as us. Even though it is only one aspect of what we are it does not take long before we see it as the only us. While this transference is gradual, it becomes almost complete by the time we are teenagers. It is like learning to walk only with shoes and then believing you need them to walk because you forget you can do so without them.

This illusion is strong, because our minds are strong and when empowered in only one direction, they become lazy and accustomed to it. Once the illusion takes hold it can only be broken by deconstruction of some of its core elements. We have painted ourselves into a corner and the key to getting ourselves out of it is not to shatter the illusion, though that certainly is a possibility. Instead what we want to do is expand the corner first. This is because if we have not developed new thought forms and we shatter the illusion or try to force matters we can be left with significant uncertainty and may find ourselves feeling lost and disconnected. We want to do is broaden our perspective and begin to manifest new thoughts that are in alignment and valid. This is the intent of all my writings, to expand the possibilities by awakening the awareness within.

Read more: Our Mental House Conclusion: Our Relations With Others