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Twin Powers LogoOur Mental House Part 5: The Affects of Our Thoughts

In the course of my writings, I have examined how our mind works and how this affects every aspect of our lives. In particular, the programming of our minds affects not only what we think and feel, it is the key factor in how we perceive reality and in determining the state of our auric or energy field thereby influencing how this field interacts with world around us. All of the various aspects of our energy field, or what is commonly referred to as our aura, change at the same rate and are influenced by different things. For example, our lower vehicles, which are discarded after each lifetime change continually. They are associated with our personality. Our lower vehicles are our physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Our higher vehicles, from our causal body on "up" change gradually and you could refer to them as part of our individuality.

In this essay we will primarily look at the affect of our thoughts on our lower vehicle and how this relates to our interactions with others. We will do this by looking at how our thoughts affect our auric field, the potential effect they can have on others and how they may perceive us as a result.

To begin, we look at those aspects of our auric field that are subject to change. These 'unfixed' aspects tend to change gradually, the old statement 'today's personality is tomorrow's individuality' speaks to this. Though this change is usually gradual, it can change dramatically due an individual experience. That said, for the most part, the changes that do occur are the result of persistent influences.

All energies have some affect on those they encounter and as thoughts are energies, they will induce a reaction in the energies with which they encounter. The largest impact is internal and not external. For instance, if one has persistent positive thoughts and with them, the feelings they induce, the result will be to add more vibrancy to the energies corresponding to higher levels of the mental and emotional planes of our aura. Likewise, persistent negative emotions will add more to the lower aspects of the mental and emotional sub-planes of our aura.

The influence of our thoughts on the flow and movement of energy is dependent on a number of factors. Being aware of this can help us develop the higher aspects of our auric field and reduce the lower. This is very important for those on the path of personal or spiritual growth.

In particular, knowing how thoughts influence our overall auric field are the most helpful. The factors that affect the degree of influence include the following:

  • the nature of the thought
  • the number and type of webs of connected thoughts
  • the strength of the emotional energies associated with the thought
  • the degree of conscious awareness of the thought
  • our focus on the thought (Law of Limitation)

All of these factors play a role, though none of them acts independent of the others. For instance, thoughts induce emotional or astral energies so they are connected; further, conscious attention on a thought and ones focus at the time affects its ‘power’ as does the number of connected thoughts.


Affect of Our Thoughts on Our Auric Field

Every thought we have can be imagined as a vibration. It exists on its own and the vibrations radiate out from it in two aspects, a positive and a negative flow. By this, I mean that the energy it radiates is the positive aspect and the reaction to it by the energy it encounters is its negative aspect. This fact becomes more important when one wants to start working with energy, for it is compensating for the negative aspect that can cause trouble for those working with strong energy or energies at a ‘higher level’.

Energy exists in strata or planes. Though it is not an accurate way of considering the differences, you can figuratively imagine matter of the various planes as building blocks of various shapes, such as a pyramid, cube or dodecahedron and so on. I say that it is not accurate as the sub-plane variances would be more like degrees of complexity with one of these shapes as the ‘root form’.

A thought consists of matter of one sub-plane; however, a thought can be part of a web with thoughts of other sub-planes. In addition, complex thoughts have greater connectivity to other thoughts than simple ones and its sub-plane of matter or energy is indicative of its degree of abstraction.



An example of connectivity would be the thought ‘coffee cup', versus the thought of ‘a cup', while one for the degree of abstraction would be a chair versus the thought of repose. This is why a thought of love for ‘all people’ is a more powerful influence than a thought of love for one particular person, assuming the power of the individual thoughts are the same.

Our thoughts have an influence regardless of our conscious awareness of them, though generally, in the short term, a thought we are consciously aware of has greater vibrancy than one we are not aware of. The affect such thoughts have is dependent on how long it remains active, and whether we have conflicting thoughts about it and how many. For example, say I have the thought “I can do anything”, if I also have a thought “I am not good at this or that” then a conflict is established. What happens is the thought interacts with the contradictory one. The result is the second thought applies a limit to the first. 

Any thought that persists even if it is only active at the non-conscious level has an impact on us, just as putting a pot of water on the stove with low heat will eventually bring it to boil. As a result, the energies in our aura gradually shift based on the cumulative effect of all the thoughts we have. One thought is unlikely to make significant change if it is too weak, not sustained or well connected or is in conflict with other thoughts we have. Essentially two conflicting thoughts spend their energies reacting with each other. I will point out that the energy manifest by such conflicts are also thoughts and can influence us if they persist.

You may wonder how knowing this can help us with growth and development. The simple fact is that we are less likely to deal with our issues if our mind is full of conflicts and the energies they induce are prominent. We all have poor programming in our rational minds. Being upbeat and thinking positive does not make these go away; however, they help make us stronger, more able to deal with conflict and challenges, which means that we can start to face and work on our poor programming from a position of strength rather than weakness. I alluded to this in a previous essay, “Changing Our Minds” (1), when I mentioned:

“We can open up the closed doors in our minds; peel back the veil bit by bit. All of the actions I have spoken of help to reinforce the idea that we are choosing to change, that the way we have done things are no longer relevant and that we are taking ownership over our minds. Yes, it remains a slow process, but how slow it is depends on how much you invest yourself in the process and the amount of time you spend each day viewing and thinking in a new way.”


Our thoughts influence each other. We may notice the effect of this when we find ourselves conflicted over something but do not know why or when we cannot make up our minds when we have a choice to make.  Conversely, when a great number of thoughts are in harmony we can find ourselves totally behind an idea, choice or an action.  What I am speaking to here is not that the choice or idea is necessarily the ‘right’ one, rather that thoughts that are in alignment with each other are empowering.


Affect of Our Thoughts on Others

Given what we have covered so far, it should be obvious that if our thoughts can affect us, they can affect others. The affect is not direct, that is our having a particular thought does not necessarily affect others as they must be open to being affected by it for this to occur (though there are exceptions to this). In many ways this runs counter-intuitive to what many have come to believe. For example, I cannot use my energy to change yours unless your energy is such that it allows me to. Saying this does not mean we are not responsible for the affect we have on others, it just changes the nature of that responsibility.

To illustrate my point, let us say I meet someone and I say something to them with the result being their feelings are hurt. One might be inclined to believe that I hurt their feelings; however, this is an illusion. The person’s feelings were hurt due to their own shortcomings. I have a different issue, in that I need to understand the power of words, their potential affect on others and examine my reasons for what I said.

It is worth noting that just because their feelings are hurt does not mean that I did anything 'wrong', hence why I said I need to 'examine my reasons' rather than simply assume I did something wrong because their feelings were hurt. It could be I stated what needed to be said at the time it needed saying and so it was in their highest interest even though at the time they may not have liked it.

Another example would be if I were to project or send lower energies at someone, if these energies are strong enough and the other is unable to deal with it, I could indeed cause his or her energy to shift. Again, regardless of the fact that my action affected them, I am not responsible for the shift in them; my responsibility is for what I did and why I did it. This may be due to ignorance and the abuse of power on my part.

Now, these are obviously strong actions, but the same principle applies when I merely have casual negative thoughts about others or want or wish for them to be different. The only difference is the ‘power’ behind the action, since having a thought is also an action. When we think of others, their energy though somewhat idealized, is included in the thought. The thought will go towards them, though whether it reaches them or not depends on a number of factors such as conflicting thoughts in me as well as the power of the thought itself.

In general, these energies do not enter the other person’s aura; they tend to hover around them instead. This is because we may think of a person, but the person is not a spot, that is they are not ‘localized’. As a result the energy tends to stop once it reaches their aura.

We have all had thoughts of another and perhaps called them as a result only to find that they were thinking of us at the same time. This synergy is part of how ‘energy works’. There is a resonance that exists between energies of like kind. It is not attraction; it is more like harmonics as exemplified by tuning forks that respond to the same frequency. When I strike one tuning fork, the other does not resonate because of attraction to the first tuning fork; it does so because they share the same resonant frequency. It is the same thing with thoughts and their energies.

In general, a person we think about is not consciously aware of this, in part, because the power of casual thoughts is generally weak and because people have many thoughts it is like hearing a pin drop in a noisy room. They may not be aware of it for other reasons, the most significant two being that they do not have a part of them that resonates with it or they have built a shield around themselves. A shield would keep the thought outside their aura and so they would not be aware of it.

A couple of examples might help. Say I think a negative thought about someone such as ‘they are a selfish person’ and that thought has the power to reach them. If the person has no selfish thoughts my thought will not resonate with them, and so they may be unaware of it (unless they are able to perceive the energy in itself and were paying attention to the energy that is around them). They also would not notice it if they had an energy shield around themselves that blocked that the type of energy that the thought consists of.

From this, you should be able to realize that our thoughts can affect others, and so we should be conscious, if possible, of our thoughts about others and ask ourselves “are we helping or hindering them?” Such considerations become more important the further along the path of self-awareness we travel. We also need to be aware that what others think of us can affect us if we let it. They do not even have to say what they think, we can often feel their thoughts, though we must be careful that we are actually being empathic with their thoughts and not projecting our own issues into what we think they are thinking about us.


How Our Thoughts Affect Our Perception

The last point above brings us to the last section of this composition. A thought is a particular combination of energies, and our thoughts are not different from the thoughts of others. By this, I mean that if I have a thought anyone can translate this thought as I would. Whether they can consciously translate it or not depends on their ability to allow the thought. This is dependent on how receptive and transparent their minds are, for if they are not sensitive enough they will miss it or if they do not allow it to come out just as it is as the mind is decoding if for us.

We are all telepathic, it is an inherent capability, for thoughts are a universal language and if one has the ability to be aware of a vibration on a particular plane then they can access the thought as it is. Thoughts are not words; words are the result of the impression of the thought on the synapses of our brain. The degree of one’s telepathy is dependent on their sensitivity to external vibrations and their minds ability to step aside to allow the thought to come out as is rather than modified or blocked by the thinking mind.

Now, the reality is that most of us have not developed their sensitivity or transparency, and they have lots of poor programming. As a result, our minds interpret what they see perceive through the lens of its own programming. If we a "negative person", we can perceive even a loving thought as say condescending, manipulative or phony even when that is not the case.

A common term for this is projection. That is to say, the person is projecting or attributing thoughts they have onto it. Earlier I mention that thoughts have a ‘positive and negative’ aspect. Therefore, when energy comes to us in its own form, we react and our reaction has a positive and negative aspect. Again, positive and negative are relative not ‘good or bad’ or ‘higher or lower’.

For example, let us assume I am suspicious of the motives of others; of course, I may not be conscious of this. Now, let us say I am sitting and just observing what is going on without talking and that someone is looking at me and is thinking, ‘you are a quiet person’. What I might perceive is that they think I am being secretive or some such thing because of how I interpret their thought.

There is one other reason why we may end up misinterpreting the energies or thoughts of others. This reason relates to the idea of resonance, but not of the same level or type but of a lower level. In music, this would be synonymous with octaves and that a sound at one octave can trigger a corresponding vibration at a higher or lower octave. Therefore, we may perceive love, but may not be as capable of resonating with it as pure love; we may resonate with it at the level of “need” instead. This has the tendency to add possessiveness to love, because that is the only way we can relate to it.

Other examples would be interpreting disappointment as rejection or anger, or devotion as neediness or even compassion as aggression. We must all be mindful of our minds capability to get in the way and misinterpret what we perceive because we misinterpreted it before.

This idea is something that I covered in more material in an essay on thoughts that is part of the core material on The Twin Powers website titled “Nature of Thoughts Parts 3 and 4” (2).

"The integration process results in new constructs based on any relationships of type or kind the new experience has with existing constructs within our rational mind. The rational mind will determine what the unknown is based on existing constructs and its capabilities. When the rational mind lacks a strong correlation with other experiences it will either take another with some similarity or create a virtual construct to fill in the gap. Truth is not part of the basis for a new thought construct. This is why we should not hesitate to think about our thoughts and why we have them, why we hold them to be true. This is an important concept to grasp."


An example would be:

A young child is feeling lonely, perhaps unloved. The child over hears a parent saying “we never wanted a child when we did...”. The parent may have even stated that they were not prepared financially for it, but love their child none the less. However, the child hears the words when they are feeling lonely and the combination creates a thought form such as “my parents do not want me, they do not love me”. The interpretation is false; however, it is as real a thought to the child as any other they may have. If reinforced it will become part of the rational minds programming and will continue despite it being false.


Similarly, someone with a higher degree of spiritual awareness can perceive the love cloaked in the needs of another, where others would not, even when it is a lower form of the vibration that is love as expressed through the matter of a lower or denser sub-plane. I realize that this may seem a very subtle point or a distinction without a difference, but I can assure you this is not the case. It is a point worth contemplating.

When we encounter people, we perceive them as they are. This perception includes all the energies they project, their aura and so on. However, our minds interpret what we perceived based on how we have programmed it. As a result, we often have thoughts that are not valid. We tend to react and not allow or simply act on what we perceived; but this is part of our growth.

This has not been an exhaustive study of thoughts and their affect on us; the intent is to help you to understand the complex dynamics of thought in familiar terms. The fact is, we perceive, react and then, if we are trying to grow, consider what occurred. The actual energy interactions are almost infinitely complex, but we do not need to understand them to this degree to be able to grasp the concepts and use them in our growth. This is similar to not needing to understand how a computer works to use one. What I have tried to do is explain the dynamics in a way that will enable you to apply the concepts to your own perceptions.

As I stated, the dynamics are complicated, but there are very few rules about how energy acts and interacts. The complexity comes in because thoughts are not simple structures like a cube or a pyramid or even a dodecahedron; each though is more like ten thousand of these shapes arranged in various forms.  Fortunately, we need not concern ourselves so much with this if we remember some of the basic ideas about thoughts that I have covered in this composition.





In terms of our perceptions of others thoughts and energies, remember, if you have to think about it, to figure out what it is, it is likely your thoughts about it are inaccurate. Instead, we should try not to think about what we perceive and simply allow what first comes to mind to be there. Learning to do this is similar to the process I covered in an earlier piece on automatic writing (3), an essay worth reading if you have not done so previously.

We are all capable of being empathic and telepathic, the challenge is to not let our notions of what we like, or want, or would prefer or need to interpret our perceptions for us. In addition, thoughts in their natural state do not have a language, so there is no barrier to overcome. We can all decode any thought any other has, the reason we do not is because we lack sensitivity in the moment and our minds tend to pre-process before conscious awareness begins. This happens in no small part because we have allowed it to do this for us. In a way, the process of growth is reclaiming this aspect of us from our own minds.


End of Part 5

==> Continue to the Conclusion: Our Relations With Others


© 2012 Allan Beveridge

References (*- denotes essays only available to site members of TheTwinPowers.com):

  1. Changing Our Minds
  2. *The Nature of Thoughts: Parts 3 and 4
  3. Automatic Writing: Writing From The Inside Out


Last edited October 3, 2016