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The Mind

In a very real way we are what we think, therefore our growth is very much tied to our minds. When we have a fuller understanding of what our minds are and how they work, what thoughts are and how they are manifested and interrelate as well as their relationship to our emotions we can be more direct in resolving our challenges. This approach can yield better results more quickly. 

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Our Puzzle Box Part 2 of 2


In the first part of this short series, I introduced the idea of “Our Puzzle Box” this way:

“Life is an interesting puzzle box, given that we have no manual to our bodies, mind or the reality around us, yet here we are. We stumble around focusing on physical actions and outcomes, things that we see as objectively verifiable. In terms of the mind, it is hard to equate a thought to a particular outcome. I am not referring to thoughts that lead to body movements, those applied to problem solving about and so on. I am referring to the thoughts about other thoughts. These are the thoughts that bind us to our reality. They are the primary creator of the cohesive whole we perceive as reality. If we want to open the puzzle box, then understanding its creator is a good place to start.”


“Figuratively speaking, our minds are our puzzle box, one that locks our true self inside. Its foundation lies in our experiences, in many ways dominated by the earliest ones we had. Subsequent reactions to experiences built upon and added to them so that our puzzle box has many interconnected layers; hence, pulling on one will affect the others like an enormous vibratory Rubik cube.”

Read more: Our Puzzle Box - Part 2 of 2

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Our Puzzle Box – Part I of 2


Life is an interesting puzzle box, given that we have no manual to our bodies, mind or the reality around us, yet here we are. We stumble around focusing on physical actions and outcomes, things that we see as objectively verifiable. In terms of the mind, it is hard to equate a thought to a particular outcome. I am not referring to thoughts that lead to body movements, those applied to problem solving about and so on. I am referring to the thoughts about other thoughts. These are the thoughts that bind us to our reality. They are the primary creator of the cohesive whole we perceive as reality. If we want to open the puzzle box, then understanding its creator is a good place to start.

Read more: Our Puzzle Box - Part 1 of 2

Twin Powers LogoThe Webs We Weave


Over the course of the year, I have examined our awareness and shared ideas on how to develop it. In considering all of the ideas, one of the most important ones is the “removal” of the impediments we have created for ourselves. This remains the challenge, regardless of whether the goal is personal growth, finding balance or developing higher awareness. Today I will look at this challenge in a slightly different way to bring in some new ideas for you to consider.

It becomes easier to work on our impediments (issues or growth opportunities) when we understand what they are. This allows us to take a more active role in working past them. The impediments I refer to come in the form of our own thoughts. Our thoughts are the embodiment of our reactions to experiences. We created and empowered them and collectively they are the “body” of our rational mind.

Read more: The Webs We Weave