These essays are written specifically to aid in growth both personally and spiritually. The essays look closely at such challenges as self examination, guilt and blame, developing our spiritual foundation and dealing with negative cycles.
Looking Within
Our modern world appears very much different than it was even fifty years ago. Go back further and the differences become even more noticeable. The differences one finds are not inherently good or bad, though arguably the shift in our ability to insulate ourselves from nature and many of the ailments that plagued us has been a good thing. We live longer, eat better, have better medical care and have created all manner of gadgets to make life easier for ourselves.
One would think that as our knowledge of the physical world grew so to should our opportunities to express ourselves. This has happened to a certain extent, however, what we have done is actually narrow our vision to that of our physical creations and what we can do with them. This has not helped us as a whole to be happier, more balanced or in tune with the world around us. One would think that this should happen but it has not. If our modern technologies is all it takes to make us happier we should be living in a utopia, we are not. This begs the question why are we not?
The Seekers Equation
Our modern world appears very much different than it was even fifty years ago. Go back further and the differences become even more noticeable. The differences one finds are not inherently good or bad, though arguably the shift in our ability to insulate ourselves from nature and many of the ailments that plagued us has been a good thing. We live longer, eat better, have better medical care and have created all manner of gadgets to make life easier for ourselves.