Twin Powers LogoExercises

The exercises presented here are to aid you developing awareness of yourself. References to the majority of the exercises are in individual essays. However, the essays cover a great deal and so I have left some unreferenced. Each has a prerequisite and assuming you are following the suggested reading only the essay it was referenced from or the one most pertinent to the exercise is listed. They are designed to help you put into practise some of what was covered in the essay. This expands the depth of your awareness of the topic and assists you in either starting or further developing your awareness.

Do these exercises periodically, unlike homework for school. The awareness one develops by doing them is empowered by repetition. In addition, one gains deep and more profound insights about themselves through this process much like how one peels away the layers of an onion. If you are persistent, you will also notice patterns emerging and cycles appear where you never noticed them before.



NOTE on above image: The Working With Energy section has an 11th exercise group titled Developing Our Sensitivity to Energy. It is comprised of two exercises, Ex. 11.1: Energy Sensitivity Introduction and Ex. 11.2: Energy Sensitivity Intermediate.


The below table contains a list of essays in this section along with their prerequisite(s) and, where applicable, the accompanying exercise. Each entry in the Title column comes with a link that will take you to the essay. You cannot access the exercises that go with the articles from here, the links are in the articles themselves.

Do note that you must be a member to access the majority of the material listed here. Red text indicates that an essay or exercise is member content. 


  Section 4: Exercises

Title (with a link to the exercise)                Source Essay      
Ex. 1: What Do I Believe?               1.4 
Ex. 2: Improving Our Honesty   2.1
Ex. 3x: Taking A Look At Yourself   2.10 
Ex. 3.1: Describing Oneself From Two Views   2.10
Ex. 3.2: How I See My Positive and Negative Traits   2.10 
Ex. 3.3: What I Believe Others See As My Positive and Negative Traits   2.10 
Ex. 3.4: Skills and Growth Points   2.10 
Ex. 4: Meditation    3.5
Ex. 5: Grounding   3.6 
Ex. 6: Clearing Energy  3.7 
Ex. 7: Centering  3.7 
Ex. 8: Developing Your Awareness  3.9
Ex. 9: Basic Shielding  3.10
Ex. 10: Directed Shielding  3.10 
Ex. 11: Developing Our Sensitivity to Energy  3.8
Ex. 11.1: Energy Sensitivity Introduction  3.8 
Ex. 11.2: Energy Sensitivity Intermediate  3.8 


Link to the full guide--> Twin Powers Curriculum Guide  


Last updated December 30, 2016