Allan Beveridge

Twin Powers LogoYour Starting Point...

There are hundreds of pages of material on this site; however, the content is not one of random essays. I developed the material on a consistent set of core concepts and definitions. We all use different terminology and attach our own meaning to words.  My use of terminology may vary from what you are used to, enough to change the interpretation significantly, so I have provided a recommended reading order.  I wrote and present the modules and essays such that the concepts and ideas become foundation elements for those that follow. This gives for a consistent presentation of the ideas and reduces the possibility of mistaken impressions. This is not to suggest that you should give up or change your definitions; it is only so that you understand mine. Do consider following the reading path, even though you may be familiar with many of the ideas and concepts.

Once you are ready to start going through the material, your first stop is Section 1, Concepts. Select this page and review the short introduction and the sections recommended reading map before proceeding to the essays. You will notice there are arrows and brackets on the maps. Arrows indicate the suggested reading order and brackets tell you which essays to read before continuing on to the next one. The essays themselves are listed beneath the Section title on the left hand menu.  When you have gone through the essays in the Concepts section repeat the process for the remaining two.

The exercises are not meant to be done independently. The exercises are designed to both reinforce the concepts covered in the essay and to help you develop skills that will aid you in your exploration and growth. Each exercise contains the suggested reading list, though if you have followed the suggested reading path you will covered the needed material. You will gain the most value from them if you do them as they are referenced before proceeding to the next essay.

You can begin your exploration of the material by following this link to Section 1, Concepts.



The intent of this site is to help those who choose to explore new ideas as well as work on their personal and spiritual growth on their own. At the same time, some life issues can be too big to handle by ourselves, and external assistance may be required. Do not ignore the potential support and assitance that can come from family and friends or from what a good counsellor, psychologist, therapist or psychiatrist can provide. If you find you need some outside help look for resources that fit with you and your beliefs, someone you feel you can trust and who uses methods with which you are comfortable.

Last Updated on Monday, 23 May 2011 12:07